Welcome to the delicious world of cigars with coffee flavoring! The market is booming in 2024 with appealing options for people who enjoy the smoothness of premium cigars combined with rich coffee notes. These top 10 coffee-infused cigars are here to improve your smoking experience, regardless of your level of experience with cigars.
Every cigar on this list promises to be a distinctive and delightful combination of tobacco and coffee flavors, ranging from robust roasts to delicate notes of coffee. Prepare to delight your senses as you explore this intriguing lineup to find the ideal combination of cigars and coffee!
Here are our top picks for the greatest coffee-infused cigars of 2024 if you’re short on time:
Tatiana Cappucino Miniature is the best affordable option for coffee-infused cigarettes.
The best affordable infused coffee cigar is the JAVA Latte by Drew Estate.
Tatiana Coffee Break Is the Best and Cheapest Cigar with Coffee Infusion.
Best 10 Coffee Infused Cigars
- 1. JAVA by Drew Estate Cigars
- 2. Nub Café Cappucino Cigars
- 3. Tabak Especial Cafecita Cigars
- 4. Nub Nuance Cigars
- 5. Maroma Café Espresso Corona Cigars
- 6. Isla Del Sol Cigars
- 7. M by Macanudo Cigars
- 8. Tatiana Coffee Break Cigars
- 9. JAVA Latte by Drew Estate Cigars
- 10. Tatiana Cappucino Miniature Cigars
1. JAVA by Drew Estate Cigars
Introduced in the beginning of 2005, this handcrafted cigar is a square-pressed cigar manufactured by Jonathan Drew of Drew Estate and Rocky Patel. They’ve produced a distinctive cigar with a subtle flavor. The outcome, in contrast to many flavored cigars, maintains a sharp tobacco flavor. The advanced combination of Nicaraguan long-fillers is encased in an oily Maduro, Brazilian, or Ecuador Connecticut wrapper, giving Nicaraguan JAVA cigars a sweet flavor. Gourmet mocha is infused into these cigars throughout the age process, giving them a deep flavor and consistent burn. If you smoke this excellent cigar, you should taste some deep chocolate undertones.
2. Nub Café Cappucino Cigars
Included in Nub Café’s line of cigars specifically designed with coffee in mind, the Cappuccino is a very tasty and reasonably priced introduction to the genre, coming in at just over $2 per stick at $102 for a box of 50 according to my most recent pricing check.
This line is genuinely bursting with coffee flavor, and at 4 x 30, they’re the ideal size for snack smokes or a little indulgence. Perfectly mild, this cigar has light-to-medium body and strength. Its aroma is almost exactly like freshly brewed coffee, so smoking one won’t make others glance the other way.
Although Nub Café offers an absurd selection of cigars infused with coffee, my personal favorites are the Cappucino, Espresso, and Macchiato varieties.
3. Tabak Especial Cafecita Cigars
Tabak’s Cafecita, which is aged with Nicaraguan coffee, is particularly noteworthy since it offers a more robust experience than the majority of the mild to medium-bodied smokes on our list. These are on the lower end of Tabak’s Especial releases, measuring 4 x 32 cigarillo; nonetheless, cigars infused with any flavor typically fall on that end of the size spectrum.
My most recent search turned up a tin of 50 sticks for $74, so these tasty coffee bombs are among the greatest deals on a list of fantastic deals at less than $1.50 each.
4. Nub Nuance Cigars (formerly Nub Café Cigars)
Handmade by Oliva Cigars, the Nub Nuance is a coffee-infused member of the Nub Family of cigars and has been called “the ultimate coffee cigar experience.” These coffee cigars are made with Ecuadorian Connecticut and Sumatra wrapper tobacco leaves and Dominican filler tobacco. The Nub Nuance cigars have a mild to medium intensity. Similar to the traditional Oliva Nub cigars, the cigars come in short, medium, and full-bodied varieties. Three delectable Nub Nuance “Roasts” are available:
Single Roast (previously Cappuccino): A flavor that is creamy and silky, with a faint vanilla and cedar aroma.
Double Roast, originally known as Macchiato, has a rich milk chocolate flavor that ends in a syrupy sweetness.
A delicate dark chocolate flavor with a roasted finish characterizes Triple Roast (previously Espresso).
5. Maroma Café Espresso Corona Cigars
There are several cigars inspired by coffee in various sizes that are part of the Maroma Café range. The Espresso Corona, which has a true coffee flavor without being overpowered by a strong body or flavor/aroma profile, is the best option in my opinion and for my palate.
This is a mellow-to-medium strength 5.5 x 42 Corona, with flavors that let the rich, complex coffee flavors come through. Although it is a discount pricing, I recently got a pack of five sticks for $8.99. Usually, Maroma’s Café series comes in a number of variations at that price range. That works out to be a wonderful deal for those who enjoy coffee flavors in their smokes—$1.60 per cigarillo.
6. Isla Del Sol Cigars
Another excellent cigar produced by Drew Estate. It blends Sumatra leaf cultivated in the sun with chocolate-brown Nicaraguan filler tobaccos. Coffee brewed from Sumatra Mandheling beans gives Isla Del Sol filler leaves a pleasant taste. Savor the rich, delectable aroma of the sweet, creamy base with undertones of mocha and coffee. The cigar has a mild-to-medium body.
Churchill, Cigarillos, Corona, Gordo, Robusto, and Toro sizes are available for Isla Del Sol cigars. They come in boxes of sixteen, twenty or packs of five, ten, or fifty.
7. M by Macanudo Cigars
A fantastic option for the first cigar of the day or an after-dinner digestif is the first Macanado flavor-infused cigar with rich Colombian coffee undertones. Macanudo’s M blends spices, cedar, cream, and coffee. It has an Indonesian wrapper, Nicaraguan filler tobacco, and a Philippine Isabella binder. Premium tobaccos are used to make this handcrafted cigar. Three sizes are offered: Corona, Toro, and Belicoso. The cigar has a mild to medium intensity. This blend goes well with Pinot Noir or dark blend beer. The M comes in boxes of 20 cigars or in packs of five. You can savor the M Bourbon and M Espresso with Cream flavor variants.
8. Tatiana Coffee Break Cigars
Miami Cigar & Co.’s Tatiana Coffee Break line of premium cigars is excellent. In addition to their extensive selection of cigars with diverse profiles, they just included gourmet coffee taste. These three flavors could entice your taste buds:
Espresso flavor with traces of brandy, sambuca, and grappa is called corretto.
Cortado: a rich, velvety drink with flavors akin to a latte, an espresso peak, and a robust, buttery caramel aftertaste;
Café Con Leche: this flavor is similar to the robust flavor and heady aroma of a morning cup of coffee.
These cigars are available in Rothschild style and are handcrafted in the Dominican Republic using exclusively Dominican tobacco. They feature a mellow character. A bundle of 25 cigars is available for purchase.
9. JAVA Latte by Drew Estate Cigars
This cigar, which is a result of the partnership between Jonathan Drew and Rocky Patel, is square-pressed and has notes of coffee, cocoa, and delicate vanilla. This mix is perfect for both new and seasoned smokers, with Nicaraguan filler and binder wrapped in a Connecticut shade wrapper. The cigar has a medium to mild body strength. There are five different styles of Java Latte: Corona, Robusto, Petite Corona, Toro, and Wafe.
The following options are available to you: Java Latte Wafe Natural, Java Latte Corona Natural, Java Latte Robusto Natural, Java Latte Toro Natural, and Java Latte Petite Corona Natural.
10. Tatiana Cappucino Miniature Cigars
The tobacco in this Tatiana Cappucino Miniature comes from the Dominican Republic, making it a mild cigarillo. Its Sumatra wrapper is Indonesian in origin. Similar to the other cigars I suggest on this post, it has a coffee flavor.
These are cigarillos, so if you have to work in the morning, you can smoke them in the morning before work or after dinner.
It’s also my #1 choice for the greatest reasonably priced coffee-flavored cigar. When I completed my price check, a bundle of 25 cigarillos came out to less than $29; thus, these are a great deal.
Do Coffee Flavored and Coffee Infused Cigars Differ From One Another?
Premium hand-made cigars with faint coffee undertones and cigars infused with coffee for a stronger coffee flavor are the two varieties of coffee flavors available. Each cigar smoker has a personal taste. If you’re not a regular smoker, you can experiment with several varieties of both cigars to determine what suits your tastes.
The greatest cigars with coffee flavors have delicate flavors that aren’t always reminiscent of espresso or dark roast coffee. With every inhale, the smoker encounters these clues.
The finest tobacco is combined with coffee flavoring in the coffee-infused cigars. This allows producers to get precisely the flavor they desire, whether it is black coffee, latte, or coffee with cream.
Wrapping Up
The rich tastes of coffee and the enjoyment of a well-made cigar are combined in the top 10 coffee-infused cigars of 2024. Those who enjoy the taste of tobacco and coffee will find these blends to be quite enjoyable. For those who enjoy a flavorful and aromatic option, these cigars offer a variety of options to suit a variety of preferences. These coffee-infused cigars offer a distinctive and pleasurable twist to your smoking experience, regardless of your level of experience with cigars.
Related: top value cigars of the year