Lighting a cigar is a simple matter, and as a longtime smoker, I’ll share with you the video as well as the written steps that will hopefully help you.
How to light a cigar:3 step
- Hold the flame approximately ½ to 1 inch from the bottom of the cigar, making sure not to let the flame directly touch the cigar.
- Slowly rotate the cigar, allowing the flame to evenly char the entire foot of the cigar.
- Once the bottom of the cigar is evenly charred:
- Remove the cigar from the flame.
- Blow gently on the foot of the cigar to dissipate any residual heat.
- Take a slow, long drag on the head of the cigar to ensure an even burn.
Why roast cigars
- Aromatic flavors: Roasting, or toasting, a cigar slowly and gently warms the tobacco, ensuring an even burn and unlocking the rich, aromatic flavors.
- This careful preparation enhances the smoking experience by preventing harshness and bitterness, allowing the smoker to savor the smooth, complex notes of the tobacco.
- By gradually heating the filler, binder, and wrapper, toasting brings out the subtle, nuanced characteristics of the cigar, transforming it into a luxurious, enjoyable ritual that highlights the craftsmanship and quality of the cigar.
Should I light my cigar with a lighter or a match?
All is okay.
Lighting a cigar with wooden matches is often considered the better option due to the purity and gentle nature of the flame, enhancing the rich, aromatic flavors without imparting any unwanted chemical tastes. This method, beloved by aficionados, ensures an even, luxurious burn and allows the smoker to fully appreciate the intricate craftsmanship and delicate nuances of the tobacco.
While a butane lighter is convenient and efficient, offering a robust and reliable flame, some purists argue it can slightly affect the taste. I don’t feel it has much of an impact.
Do you have recommendation for butane lighter or match
My favorite methane lighter to use is the Zippo 65827 Butane Lighter, it’s cheap, good looking, and easy to use.
My favorite matches to use are Match Holder with Striker, which are more plentiful and often on sale.
How do I extinguish a cigar?
To gracefully extinguish a cigar, the best approach is to place it in a sturdy ashtray gently and allow it to burn out naturally. This method preserves the cigar’s delicate construction and avoids the harsh, acrid smell that can result from forcefully stubbing it out. If you’re in a hurry, you can carefully dip the lit end in a glass of clean water or run it under a cool faucet to ensure it is fully extinguished.
When should you not light a cigar
When you have a cigarette in your mouth, don’t try to light it.
Don’t light a cigar while it’s in your mouth.
Lighting a cigar while it’s in your mouth is a common mistake that can negatively impact your smoking experience. This method often results in an uneven burn and an unpleasant, harsh taste.
Don’t put the cigar directly on the flame
When lighting a cigar, avoid putting it directly on the flame, as this can ruin the rich flavors and delicate aromas.
Don’t light it on the wrong end
Lighting a cigar on the wrong end can ruin its delicate flavors and make the smoking experience unpleasant. The foot, or the open end of the cigar, is meant to be lit, while the head, or the closed end, is where you draw the smoke from. Ensure you cut the cap off the head before lighting the foot.
The best thing to light cigars with is a clean, odorless butane lighter, which ensures a pure, untainted flame that preserves the exquisite flavors and aromas of your cigar. Alternatively, long wooden matches made from cedar offer a delightful, traditional experience, adding a touch of elegance and authenticity to the ritual.
Use a clean, odorless butane lighter or long wooden matches to avoid imparting unwanted flavors. Hold the cigar at a gentle angle, keeping it above but not touching the flame, and rotate it slowly for an even toast.
After lighting your cigar, take a gentle draw, enjoying the rich flavors without inhaling. Let the smoke linger, savoring the smooth textures before exhaling slowly. This mindful process enhances the experience, allowing you to fully enjoy the luxurious essence of the cigar.
Using a candle or petrol lighter introduces unwanted, harsh chemicals that alter the delicate, savory taste of the tobacco. Holding the cigar directly in the flame burns the wrapper too quickly, creating an uneven, frustrating burn.
If you’re new to smoking cigars, it’s all about creating a luxurious and relaxing experience. First, pick a mild and friendly cigar, then delicately cut it to make sure you get a nice, smooth draw. When you light it up, do so gently with a butane lighter or a wooden match to avoid any harsh tastes. Take your time to enjoy each puff, letting the rich flavors linger in your mouth before blowing them out. Just remember to savor the experience, letting the wonderful aromas and flavors unfold at their own pace. Enjoy!