When enjoying a fine cigar, encountering issues like Cigar Tunneling and fast burns can disrupt the experience. These common problems can arise from factors like smoking too quickly or the quality of tobacco used in production. Addressing these issues is crucial for a smooth and enjoyable smoke. In this blog, we will delve into expert tips to tackle Cigar Tunneling and fast burns effectively, ensuring a more satisfying cigar experience.
How to fix cigar tunneling
Puffing consistently on a cigar is crucial to prevent Cigar Tunneling.
- If you wait too long between puffs, the wrapper may cool down while the filler continues burning, resulting in a tunnel or hole in your cigar.
- To maintain an even burn, make sure to puff every 2-3 minutes, giving it a rest in between. Remember, prevention is key to avoiding this issue.
In the unfortunate event that your cigar does tunnel, there are ways to address it. If the tunnel is shallow, around 1 cm deep, consider clipping the end and relighting it. However, if the tunnel is deeper than that, it’s best to discard the cigar as it may not be salvageable. Torch the wrapper leaf lightly to even out the burn and continue enjoying your smoke.
What causes cigar tunneling
- Cigar Tunneling occurs when there’s an imbalance in how the wrapper and filler tobaccos burn.
- If the filler burns faster than the wrapper, a tunnel forms inside the cigar, affecting its draw and flavor.
- Factors like improper humidification or smoking too quickly can contribute to this issue.
How to Tell if Your Cigar Is Tunneling
When inspecting your cigar, it’s essential to be mindful of signs that indicate potential tunneling issues. Observing the burn rate and the appearance of the ash can provide valuable insights into whether your cigar is tunneling or burning evenly.
Cigar Is Burning Too Fast
If you notice that your cigar is burning at a rapid pace, it could be a warning sign of tunneling. A cigar that burns too quickly may indicate an imbalance in how the wrapper and filler tobaccos are combusting. This imbalance can lead to tunnel formation within the cigar, affecting its overall smoking experience.
How to prevent Cigar Tunneling
Properly light your cigar
- Light up your cigar evenly to ensure all the flavors and aromas are revealed.
- A well-lit cigar burns consistently, preventing tunneling and uneven burns.
- Proper lighting is crucial for an optimal smoking experience, enhancing the taste and enjoyment of your cigar.
Short puffs between puffs
- Take short, gentle puffs when enjoying your cigar to maintain a steady burn.
- Consistent puffing helps prevent tunneling by ensuring the wrapper and filler tobaccos burn at a balanced rate.
- By taking short breaks between puffs, you can savor the flavors of your cigar while avoiding issues like fast burns or tunneling.
Don’t buy low-quality cigars
- Invest in high-quality cigars to avoid common issues like tunneling and uneven burns.
- Low-quality cigars may not burn evenly or provide a satisfying smoking experience.
- Choosing premium cigars ensures better construction and tobacco quality, reducing the risk of encountering problems like tunneling during your smoke session.
What is cigar canoeing
Cigar canoeing occurs when one side of a cigar burns faster than the other, creating an uneven, canoe-like shape. This can be caused by improper rolling, drafts or breezes, or uneven lighting. To prevent it, ensure proper lighting, store cigars in a well-maintained humidor, and avoid smoking in windy conditions.